3 main phases to your spiritual journey

In simple terms a self-discovery / spiritual journey is broken down as:

1. Mindset 

2. Awareness 

3. Connection 

Phase 1: overcoming negative thoughts & anxiety 

Habits Include: 

1. journaling your feelings & emotions

2. reciting positive daily affirmations,

3. releasing painful emotions using the ‘emotional freedom technique’

4. performing grounding techniques 

Phase 2: Increasing Awareness 

Habits Include: 

1. meditation

2. yoga

3. gratitude journaling 

4. crystal therapy

Phase 3: Spiritual Connection 

Habits Include: 

1. prayer journaling

2. writing letters to your angels/asking for signs 

3. getting an energy healing session (reiki) or performing it on yourself

4. healing your chakras

Spiritual practices must feel intuitively right for you. Listen to your gut feeling and allow yourself to feel guided. Once we quiet the mind, only then can you tap into your intuition (everyone has it). It teaches you to overcome fear with love and to have Faith everything with work out as it is meant too. It teaches you to embody patience, compassion, gratitude, and kindness. 

Which phase are you in? 

Every Jay Living 


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