Crystal Cleansing & Charging Methods

Method 1: Brown Rice

Fill a wooden or ceramic bowl with brown rice. Place your crystal item in this bowl overnight to cleanse and re-charge the stones. Duration: 24 hours

Method 2: Sage

Open a window while sage smudging to cleanse your crystals. Allow the smoke and negative energy to leave. Duration: 30 seconds

Method 3: Sound Healing

Sound healing allows the crystals to be brought to the same vibrational tone that the sound produces. Chant, play a singing bowl, play cleansing music, or use a tuning fork to re-charge your crystals.

Method 4: Visualization

Ground yourself, pick up your crystal item, place it in the palm of your hand, and gently cover it with your other hand. Then visualize your item being surround by radiant, white light. Envision the crystal item ridding of its old energy and imagine it is shining brighter as it is being re-charged by the white light.


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