Feng Shui Office Space

Choosing a Desk: It is best so avoid using glass, metal, or laminate for your office desk. Instead choose a sturdy wooden desk because it is known to bring natural energy.

  1. Shape: A common Feng Shui rule is avoiding pointy objects, but when choosing a desk any organic shape is great. In this photo drawn, it is best to choose a soft rectangular shaped desk and make sure the front is open to allow creative ideas and energy to flow through.

  2. Colour: Each colour represents something different, but I recommend a combination of black and brown. Brown is known to create a sense of comfort, while black provides concentration.

  3. Placement: It is best to have your desk placed so a solid wall is behind you and it is not to be placed facing the wall, window, or door. Instead, place the desk so those objects are around you and you can see them.

  4. Lighting: It is recommended to have a small light fixture on the upper left of the desk, which brings wealth.

  5. Declutter: This is quite common when decorating your desk, but less is more! To clear your mind and for your overall well being, keep the mess to a minimum. Get rid of items you do not need or hide away ones you do not use every day.

Tip: Place crystals in your office space to cleanse and amplify the energy.


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