Why keeping a gratitude journal is a good idea

By Nitasha Asnani

For the past two years, I have written in my gratitude journal every night. It has made a huge difference in my life. I have learned to truly appreciate moments, loved ones, and my life. Without reflecting on what you are grateful for, you may spend your life searching for meaning or taking the wonderful parts of your life for granted.

Reflecting on what you are grateful for is simply looking at your situation in a positive light and appreciating all that you have. It is easy to get lost in all the things you do not have or where you thought you would be in your life. But if you put that aside and look at what you do have, it will enrich your outlook. You are given one life, so you might as well love it. Just notice all the great things that surround you and say thank you to the universe.

Most people see it as a time-consuming task, but it can be short and sweet, yet still effective. When you are writing what you are grateful for, it has to be heartfelt. Write about something that gives you the feeling of joy, love, or appreciation. Like today, I could not stop laughing with my sister about the silliest things. I wrote that down because it was a moment that made me feel genuine joy.

After practicing this for a while, it starts to translate in your everyday life because you start to notice and appreciate moments more. It has taught me to share my love and appreciation with the people in my life.

There is joy in your life everywhere, you just have to take the time to see it. Most people do not realize how much they value something in their life until it is gone. Take the time now to appreciate all that you are blessed with. Even when you are having a rough day, going back to see what you have written will bring you joy and help you remember that you have a lot to be grateful for. Do not let pain overshadow the joy that is everywhere, just waiting for you to see it.


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