The Simple Things

By Nitasha Asnani

There are so many little things you can do that can bring joy to your life.

Talk it Out:

Expressing my worries to someone I trust is almost always how I work through my anxiety. Talking it out helps me find a solution and let go of persistent negative thoughts. I try not to dwell on why I was upset. It is helpful to understand why, but how I am going to move forward is more important. Learning to let go of the worries that do not serve me allows for some headspace.

It is essential to find someone you trust, like a wise loved one or a counsellor. Everyone needs support from someone. Even writing out your thoughts may give you some clarity on your feelings to help you move on.


Spend Time with your Pet:

It is scientifically proven that interactions with a calm and loving pet has benefits for people who struggle with their mental health. I can personally attest to this because when I need a break, I find it so relaxing to pet my two dogs. They make me feel comforted and calm.

Go for a Walk:

If it is a beautiful day outside, go enjoy the fresh air and take a breath! Spending time outside gives you a refreshing break. It helps you clear your mind and connect to the world. Walking outside can offer a new perspective.


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