The 7 Chakras

Crystals provide Earth’s most powerful energy tools for connecting matter and spirit. As taught in yoga, the body encompasses seven major energy chakras that represent the steps for expanding your consciousness. Starting at the base of your spine and extending to the top of the head, each chakra is associated with specific characteristics linking the physical and subtle body. The state of each chakra can greatly impact your thoughts, behaviors, and overall health.

By utilizing balancing techniques, such as placing crystals on the body’s different chakra points, you can enhance your emotional, mental and physical well-being. Chakra Balancing is a form of aligning the body's energy centres.

There are seven Chakras: Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Sacral Chakra, and Root Chakra. Balancing your energy centres helps the flow of energy align through your physical body. Each chakra is correlated with different parts of the body. Without the free flowing of these energy centres, it can cause energy blockages that may cause negative emotions or physical pain. For example, the Heart Chakra is strongly linked to healing, accepting love, giving love, or forgiveness.

When this energy centre is blocked, it can cause things like lack of self-love or despair. Some benefits of balancing your chakras may include: overcoming challenges quicker, feeling calmer, feeling confident, having more energy, generating more positive energy, and generally feeling good about yourself and your life. 

To learn more purchase the Chakra Guide Workbook or purchase the Chakra Box Kit


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